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Bookkeeping Services

Why Bookkeepers use Bookkeeping for Accounting Management System?

In the context of business, bookkeeping services is required for the foundation of the business organization accounting system where Bookkeepers are liable for recording, analyzing and maintaining the financial transactions of the respective business firm properly and systematically. Purchases, sales, receipts, and payments transact by an individual or an organization is one of those transactions.


In day-to-day basis, recording of the financial transactions and relevant information about business has become necessary. It clarifies that the existing records of the business individual financial transactions are accurate, up-to-date and authentic.


Top 5 Bookkeeping Tips:


Keeping assets separate:

Incorporate business affairs, always try to secure your business finances in a separate place because the business is viewed as a separate legal entity. Thus, keeping your business finances isolated reduces your legal liabilities and helps you manage your tax and business bills more efficiently.


Filing tax compliance reports timely:

Taxpayers generally get issued notices due to delay in filing an income tax return, calculation errors or not reporting income correctly and so on. File your ITR using the correct tax return to avoid getting legal notice of faulty return or levy of charges.


Organize your records:

Records are all your accounting records and other financial information documents. Always plan a method for handling all your paperwork reports by entering your bookkeeping data in batches of records so that you can actively manage where the cash is flowing from.


Audit your tax records:

A tax audit defense examines your company’s financial records to verify its accuracy. Try to keep all your receipts at the place where it needs to be kept, no matter how small or big the amount is; also make sure whether they are worth legible or not. Deposit your cash into the business in such a way that in future you can prove what was taxable and what the loan was.


Don’t run business into debt:

No cash to cover up the expenses? Try to run your business on your existing cash flow and figure out where to cut down your expenses and also not to offer any sort of credit to your existing customers as it helps you save some much amount of money for your future business.


At H&T, we offer premium bookkeeping and accounting services for businessperson to prepare journals, ledgers, and compliance reports or schedules for your firm in Mississauga, Toronto.

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Bookkeeping Tips For Small Businesses

It is important to maintain a clean accounting book of your business for tax purpose. This will save you a lot of hassles in the near future. Bookkeeping is the process of maintaining all the records and transactions of a business. Transactions that are tracked are an expense, revenue, net profits, profits, dates of transactions and other details.

The reason why bookkeeping is important to small businesses is because it allows the owners to know exactly what is happening in their business. To make your business grows, you must know the numbers well. Details like revenue and expenses are important numbers that you cannot afford to miss out on.

To save hassles, it is advisable to maintain your book regularly. It should be done either weekly or bi-weekly. This is to ensure that all transactions are noted and enable you to know the current status of your business. Healthy cash flow is what makes a business flourish. You need to make sure that your business cash flow is always positive.

The price of a bookkeeping service usually depends on the amount of work that needs to be done. Depending on the size of your business and transaction volumes, bookkeepers will quote you a fair rate for the service.

Professional bookkeepers will either use their own software or a spreadsheet to maintain your book. You must provide them with all the necessary documents such as receipts, invoices, payment vouchers, etc. All other documents that used to track the transactions of your business must be provided.

If your business deals mostly with cash, it is extremely important that you get a book and record all the daily transactions. Cash is harder to track and therefore simple recording should be done daily.

Before you decide to hire a company, conduct a research on the Internet. Go to Google or Yellow Pages to look for a list of accounting firms. Shortlist a few and call them up. Tell them what you need and gather some quotes before hiring one.

Bookkeeping is necessary for tax purpose. Therefore, it is important for you to maintain it properly to save your company a lot of trouble. You can now easily find professional accounting firms that help you to maintain your book at an affordable rate. H &T is one of the best accounting and bookkeeping service provider located in Canada where you will get accounting services as per your requirements.

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6 Benefits for a Business Who Outsource Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

Due to increase in the complexity of the world of business, managing and measuring finances became a difficult task. Without having an efficient system for taking care of back office transactions, payroll processing bookkeeping, and the management of finances become ineffective. These days outsourcing became beneficial to organizations, especially in accounting and financial agendas. Different essential benefits which a business can receive from outsourcing its accounting and bookkeeping services are-

1. Saves time – Outsourcing financial managers save company time by providing service on time. For managing bookkeeping services, in-house associates may not be as time-conscious as an outsourcing organization who only focus on these financial features.

2. Reduce chances of company fraud – It is important to note that accounting and outsourcing bookkeeping services reduce the probability of fraud within the corporation. As all financial data will be handled by outsourcing organizations so employees won’t be able to access any financial or accounting details. Outsourced organizations will be more objective concerned to all important financial decisions.

3. Saves money – As we known time is money and by hiring a right outsourcing company you can achieve success in getting a quality of accounting service on time. An organization, which is amateurishly trained in one specific area is more liable to deliver service on time with high-quality standards whereas business associates may not be punctual.

4. Focuses on mission – Financial tasks managed by an outsourcing company will do their task efficiently by just only focusing on management of accounts. They are expertise and licensed service providers who have experience in handling accounts of an organization efficiently.

5. Optimizes accounting services – Bookkeeping services are maximized through expert outsourced organizations, rather than from the services of a business’ associates who usually have generalized experience and ideas.

6. More disciplined and/ or objective views – Efficient and reliable accounting organization who is outsourced by the corporation is more focused about the procedures to manage financial issues relating to that corporation.

All in all, outsourcing is a recommended choice for a large number of corporations or businesses, for the purposes of maintaining efficiency in the least expensive and productive manner.

H & T provide accounting and bookkeeping services at very low rates for medium, small as well as large businesses. You can easily access H & T accounting services in Brampton, Mississauga, Oakville efficiently. H & T Accounting Services maintain all records of their customers related to income tax, harmonizing sales tax, workplace safety insurance, and payroll. They have more than twenty-five years of experience in serving different businesses including manufacturers, contractors, importers, exporters, computer professionals, retailers, and other service providers.

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Most Important Facets in Accounting and Bookkeeping

Accounting and Bookkeeping are the two business aspects that helps to keep a measure of financial activities of business such that the performance of the business is always on the rise. In order to maintain the accounts and other legal works aptly, people usually prefer opting for an accountant or even outsourcing their accounting and bookkeeping. This helps to regulate the blood of business, money in an error free fashion.

The bookkeeping and accounting are the two sides of the coins that make the other smooth functionally. They are not limited concepts but have broader outlook, the most important facets in accounting and bookkeeping are:

Know Bookkeeping – Bookkeeping is like a sub section of accounting which actually implies collecting and organizing all your financial information so that it can be used for business growth. The art of bookkeeping is performed by the professionals who would help you to do much more in business than you can imagine. It helps one get tax returns, prepare legal statements, business auditing and moreover deciding that which way is actually the business going. Bookkeeping is the initial step of every accounting system.

Financial analysis and management – Finance is the most important aspect of any business and financial analysis and management is the accounting procedure that must be executed at regular intervals of time. Bookkeeping and accounting helps perform this easily. In case your finance is being delayed or it is not being managed as per the predefined credentials, accounting can help you realize the breakpoints and moreover work on it.

Plan your business – Business is one of the riskiest occupations that can never go unplanned. Bookkeeping and accounting performed by professionals help every businessman plan his activities in a timely fashion, which helps to achieve better results. The accountings statements include profit and loss statement, balance sheet which helps monitor overall profitability.

Bookkeeping and accounting should aim at profit enhancement – Accounting services are diverse in nature, but the center facet of every business activity has always been profit enhancement. The organized records and subsidiary book of accounts would certainly help you climb up the ladder of profit enhancement.

Save Taxes – Tax planning can save you money that you would not have thought otherwise. Tax panning comes with the right bookkeeping as it involves recording your financial matters in a smart way that usually known only to the expert accounting service providers. Summarizing your accounts efficiently can help you save taxes considerably.

Saving taxes involves other accounting activities like minimizing the number of documented errors and investing more time in tax planning.

Accounting is the elder brother – Accounting is an expert based job which cannot be handled single handedly, unless and until one is experienced enough in the domain. Once the bookkeeping is done, the overall business aspects are taken into consideration in order to reach the final steps. Handling all your complex reports and money related issue becomes simpler with the right accounting choice. Bookkeeping forms a section of accounting, whereas accounting ranges all the way from arranging finance to profit enhancement.

To summarize, bookkeeping and accounting are the two activities that go hand in hand. Better bookkeeping always means better accounting services, if the base of any activity is laid strong the results will certainly be better. Same is the scenario for bookkeeping and accounting.

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Benefits Of Hiring Financial Outsourcing Service Providers

The growth and expansion of your business is affected by the extent of transparency there is in the financial aspect of your business and the amount of expertise people have that are controlling it. Due to this reason, bookkeeping and accounting are considered to be one of the most important aspects of any business.

This area should only be looked after by professional accountants in Milton who has considerable amount of experience. Irrespective of the size of your organization, or the niche you are catering to, the need for transparent and accurate bookkeeping and financial records is required as your business grows. All this is good enough reason that we should hire the service of accountants.  Since ages, or from the time people have been doing business, they prefer keeping an accountant in their business premise and he or she is being treated just like any other employee.

Things have, however, changed in the recent past and business owners now prefer to outsource their financial work to accountants in Oakville. It enables business owners to have higher transparency in the financial matters of their business.

Some people still are unaware about the outsourcing of accountants. To people who do not about this, outsourcing is the art or the feature of sending out a task of your business to an outside firm that specializes specifically in performing this task.

It saves the business a considerable amount of money and furthermore. Accountants in Mississauga reduces unnecessary botheration for them and they are able to get time to concentrate on other aspects of their business.

All the Payments are made on time

Outsourcing firm takes care of only one aspect of a business and that is their financial aspect. This means these tasks are better performed by them. For businesses that hand out their financial task, all their bill payments are made on time and filing of their income tax return is done on time as well.

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Benefits of Outsourced Accounting Service for Small Business

Outsourced accounting services are acceptable for all types and sizes of organizations. They provide their benefits to all firms equally. Main benefits of outsourced accounting services are:

Reasonable Costs:
The first benefit that an outsourced accounting service can be taken at low cost. They don’t need any office space and other accessories to do their work. They need only your financial records to keep them updated all the time. Updated records help you to take right decision at the right time.

Quality Work:
Outsourced accounting firms provide high quality work because here your work is done by expert, well-trained and highly qualified professionals. They are certified, having many years of experience. They are always aware about all the advanced accounting aspects and laws.

Secure and Safe Results:
When you hire an outsourced accounting firm to handle your accounts then you become tension free because now your accounts are in safe and secure hands. Safety and security of accounts is very important for any firm.

Quick and Fast Services:
These firms provide quick, fast, accurate and professional solutions to all account related problems. Chances for errors are very less here because all reports are rechecked by top level professionals before sending to the clients.

Good Adviser:
Outsourced accounting firms can also play role of an adviser for all business organization. They have the capability to analyse all your old and new financial records. This analyses provide them a clear massage where is mistake, how it can be removed, what steps are required to avoid this mistake in the future.

There are so many other benefits of outsourced accounting services. When we take them from reputed and established firm, it will help us to improve our financial condition and level of efficiency.

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Why all Businesses Need Accountants and Bookkeepers

When you set-up a new business it is not possible for you, to keep all your records in the exact and most updated way. These incomplete records are not sufficient to calculate correct taxes for your business. Well established firms and companies also have to face this problem if they not hire an accountant and bookkeeper or not keeping proper records of their all transactions. There are so many other reasons that all types and all sizes business need an accountant and bookkeeper. Hire H&T Accountants in Brampton, Oakville and Milton. Some of them are:

Provide Complete & Updated Information

First reason to hire them for a firm is – they provide detailed and most updated information about your all business transactions. This updated & complete information helps you to compare your present business position with your competitors.

Offer Strategic Advice

Accountants and bookkeepers not only help you to calculate accurate taxes but also provide strategic advice to grow your business more by analysing all the latest  business strategies.

Find Room for Improvement

One other major reason to hire them is – they calculate all your current profits and losses in an effective way. Then find the room where you need improvement, to get more earnings. They also give you suggestions about where to invest your current profits to get long term benefits.

Save Time and Money

It is the most significant reason to appoint them for all types of businesses. They keep all the records updated every time. Business owner can check his records and transactions any time. Updated records are really helpful to save time and money for the business.

Help to Reduce Stress

Accountants and bookkeepers also help to reduce competition stress in an effective way. They make a detailed study of all your competitors and their current strategies. Then discuss it with business owner. This type of study is really helpful to reduce all types of business stress.

Accountants and bookkeepers are two very important professionals for all types of businesses, if the businesses desire growth in the proper way and within short time.

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Difference between Accountants and Bookkeepers

Bookkeepers and Accountants are two sides of a coin. They are closely concerned with each other. Both are connected with a business or firm. Both are connected with money and accounting. Many of us get confused if we asked about them mix them and their roles. It is true they are associated with each other but their roles are totally different from each other. Major differences between an accountant and a bookkeeper are:

  1. Qualification:  To become a bookkeeper you don’t need a degree since here you work as an data entry operator, enter  sales and purchase bills, paying bills, processing payroll data, preparing sales invoices, mailing statements to customers, etc. but to become an accountant you must a have a college degree, and accounting knowledge .
  2. Cost: Cost to keep a bookkeeper is low as compared to an accountant. This is the reason many small firms select a bookkeeper instead of an accountant to maintain their records.
  3. Role: Bookkeeper makes a good relationship between an Accountant and a business owner his duty is maintain books and retain documentation for transactions. He is governed by the accountant, but an accountant is handled by the business owner and focus on reporting, business analysis and processes.
  4. Advice: An accountant also plays the role of an adviser for a business because it handle all the accounts, create finical statements, Tax Appeals, Tax Saving Plans, Cash flow solutions and much more so he can give excellent advise about “how to increase sales and decrease costs” according to current finical position. But a bookkeeper only doing data updating tasks.
  5. Level: Bookkeepers work only on the basic level they are not connected with handling tax, Audit Defense, or expense accrual. But Accountants work on the top level their work start where a bookkeepers’ work end. He handles Tax Returns-all kinds, Profit enhancement, Audit Defense and many more.

In conclusion we can say:  Accountants and Bookkeepers are very important for any type of business however they play different-2 roles but both help to grow a business which is the purpose of haring them.

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What to expect from bookkeepers?

Bookkeeping is the elaborate process of recording all the financial transactions that a business conducts. In the daily operations of a business there are many transactions that take place. These range from purchasing and supplying, making payments and receiving payments. These dealings have to be entered into the relevant accounts which fall under the work scope of a qualified bookkeepers. The following are the services provided by Bookkeepers Mississauga residents should expect.

The services offered by bookkeepers include preparing the accounts receivables. These are all the debtors who owe the business funds. Then there is preparation of accounts payables. These are transactions in relation to funds owed to various businesses. This usually goes in tandem with the purchase ledger account which records all purchase dealings.

H&T Bookkeepers Mississauga, also offer services to maintain the sales ledger. This is to record all the sales made, factoring in any discounts and any relevant information to end up with the final calculation for total sales. A final account maintained by bookkeepers is the general account ledger. It covers information on all assets held by a firm, equity and liabilities. The accounts clerk is responsible for preparing a trial balance for the business with which accountants formulate financial statements. These dealings can be done by the professional bookkeepers Brampton.

With use of the latest software, all these entries are made electronically. These sophisticated software deploy double entry bookkeeping and therefore eliminate need for manual recordings. The software varies in terms of the business in which they are offered. Each is tailor made to suit the needs of a particular business. Various company sizes are targeted from sole proprietorship to small business, where all can be served by their own customized software. However, working with this software needs training in order to use it effectively and this would be the step to seek professional help instead. Bookkeepers in Oakville will be able to aid in such services with professionalism and understanding of the field.

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Bookkeeping Accounting Brampton Oakville OT

Bookkeepers and Accountants are the most important persons in any industry. The entire business relies on the shoulders of accountants and bookkeepers as they keep a track of all the financial transactions happening in the business organization on regular basis. The major responsibility of the bookkeepers and accountants in the business whether it is a newly business start up or small or medium sized remains the same and indeed it is equally important.

The accountants and bookkeepers have a major focus on the track of income and expenses done by the company thereby increasing the chances of profit in the organization and the collection of various financial transactions into the particular file in order to file for the tax returns and savings.  This is therefore considered as the primary responsibility of the accountants and bookkeepers in any business organization.

Business owners are fully relaxed and ensure that all their financial records are fully managed in an efficient manner in a best possible way by the specialized professionals in the field of finance. However, there is no accurate way of keeping your records in a manageable way, it all depends upon the managing ability of the Bookkeepers and Accountants to manage them in an efficient manner by utilizing and implementing the proper management skills in a quick around time.

The actual implemented process by most of the bookkeepers in the business organization in order to keep the record efficiently is:

  • The first and foremost point to be consider is to keep the record of all the receipts comprising of the expenses happening in the organization on daily basis.
  • Bookkeepers and accountants main role is to summarize all the incomes and expenses in the organization on regularly or periodically basis.
  • Create the financial records in a best possible way in order to access the specific and useful information from the business quite efficiently.

Keeping the receipts

Comprehensive summaries of your business incomes will reflect the overlook of your financial system which is happening in your business organization at any point of time in a continuous manner. Often they are considered as the heart of the financial accounting system that prevails in the business organization.

It is the duty of the accountants and bookkeepers to choose the method according to the business convenience. The bottom line is to choose the method of managing the record efficiently according to the suitability of the accountant and bookkeeper.

Setting up and posting Ledgers

A ledger is nothing but a record comprising of some information about the business organizations on to which whole summary is based such as revenues, expenditures and whatever is needed in the organization which are needed to be tracked in order to be in profit. It is whole sole duty of the accountants and bookkeepers in the organization to manage them efficiently as well.

Creating Financial reports

It is the foremost duty and role of the accountants and bookkeepers to prepare financial reports on the basis of the tracked information as well as financial condition.

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